There is no limit because sections of louvers can be built side-by-side to accommodate even the largest of areas. The opening system operates efficiently with up to 200 square feet per section.
No, the SMARTROOF® System has been designed to be completely flexible so it can be customized to each project. We will assist in designing the length and direction of the louvers to best fit your area. Note: We suggest using a maximum louver length of 12 foot.
The SMARTROOF® can be designed to suit many sizes & applications. Our design team will be glad to assist, if desired.
The SMARTROOF® louvers are made in solid extruded aluminium alloy and other main components are made in stainless steel 316 and solid aluminium alloy with nylon sleeving.
The SMARTROOF® is 99.9% weather proof.
A large selection of colors are available in powder coating colour shade range.
Minimal. The system is operated by a powerful 12Volt DC motor which is connected to the main power supply through a transformer.
The 6" wide louvers have a baked on powder-coating finish that can be easily cleaned by spraying with a hose. Either side is accessible by simply rotating the louvers. Stainless steel components and hardware are utilized at key areas for longevity.
The direction of the louvers is determined by the shape of the desired area to be protected, the orientation of the home or structure in relationship to the path of the sun.
The SMARTROOF is a customized solution. The final cost depends upon the size , shape and the application. We can offer assistance in design and layout to maximize cost efficiency based on the size and shape of your installation.
We can arrange a visit to a suitable site, on request.
The SMARTROOF® louver system is not designed to be walked on, however the louvers can withstand high winds and miscellaneous pressures.
One year warranty is given on the SMARTROOF®.
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